How to launch a business in 90 days

- Lots of coffee, prayers and detailed to-do lists!
- Reached out to colleagues who are successful in the field and asked for advice and connections.
- Researched other small design firms online and saw how they are doing it.
- Took hours of online courses (SkillShare) to learn some new skills and how to develop a business model.
- Using my project management skills, broke my goal down into steps.
- Kept myself motivated each day and worked at it like a 9-5 job. Starting each day with intention.
-Filled a whole notebook with ideas, brainstormed with other entrepreneurial friends.
-Signed up and attended multiple networking events, took colleagues to lunch, asked for zoom coaching.
- Stepped WAY outside my comfort zone on a daily basis.
- Reconnected with old friends and met some amazing new people on Linked in.
- I reached out to former clients and let them know what I am doing.
- Set up basics, website, portfolio, business cards, headshots, logo, branding and a handout with services.
- Set up social media and began using techniques for marketing myself.
- Applied for business license.
- Got my first paying client on Jan.30!
- I am ready for another.

What I learned:
-People are awesome and wanted to help me!
-It is amazing how much can be accomplished in a day when you focus on a goal.
- There are so many resources available for no cost or low cost.
- Applying endlessly for online jobs is demoralizing and makes you feel stagnant.
- Losing your paycheck is a scary situation.
- The best is yet to come.